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About US

About US - ternence.net

Ternence is the top seller of real Male Chastity Device. We are the #1 vendor in USA and worldwide as we care about our customers and we provide the best customer service, information and advice while purchasing Male Chastity Device.

Why do you choose ternence:
1. Our Chastity Device is Real Medical Grade 304 Stainless Steel, not plating and hypoallergenic.
2. Perfect feel, when the Chastity Device is finished, we will be polished several times. Ensure that the surface of the Chastity Device is smooth. Manual mirror polished, more sleek, more comfortable.
3. We have a professional Chastity Device cleaning team. We will perform a comprehensive cleaning and disinfection work for each Chastity Device. Guarantee that all Chastity Device is 100% brand new.
4.Protect Privacy: Opaque Package, Product information won't be shown in the Package or Customs Declaration.

What have we done?
At Amazon stores, guests are consistently recognized for our products. They believe that the best quality Chastity Device, the best velvet bag packaging, the best customer service. Up to now, we have sold more than 10K of Chastity Device, and we have not received any complaints about the appearance quality of the product.

Because we currently have only one Amazon store in the US. Welcome more customers around the world to purchase our Chastity Device, we will provide the best price and best service.

If you have any questions please reach out to us and we will be more than happy to help you.